Tuesday, February 2, 2010

A quick update

I have not written in awhile, so wanted to give an update on my aches and pains. I have been seeing a sports doctor and went to the Chi Running clinic two weeks ago. With both of these combined, I feel like things are coming together and I will be able to continue running pain free. The test will be this weekend when I run the Kaiser Half-Marathon. I have not really gotten the mileage I needed under my belt for this race, but am really hoping for the best.

On another note, I am going to be a Girls on the Run coach this season! I went to the first training session tonight and am excited for the opportunity. I am really looking forward to having fun with the girls while working to instill some healthy habits and activities into their life.

Some frightening statistics we were given during the training tonight regarding San Francisco Girls...

  • 1 out of every 3 girls in San Francisco public schools reported feeling depressed
  • 12% of middle school girls reported they went without eating for 24-hours to lose weight
  • 50% of middle school girls were dissatisfied with their weight

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