Sunday, January 10, 2010

Feeling Frustrated

I am feeling really frustrated recently, because my body is not cooperating with me. After every run, I have been getting really tight calves resulting in several knots in my calves that are very painful. This weekend, I feel as if I have a pinched nerve or something of the sorts in my lower back and does not feel very nice. When I run, my mid back feels as if it is crunching together and causes me a lot of pain. Overall, my body is not holding up its end of the bargain and I don't like it.

I must say, I am being proactive in trying to figure out what the hell is going on and how can I fix it! I went to the sports doctor last week and he rubbed out my calf knots (which did not end up cramping up over the weekend), plus he taught me some exercises to help with this problem. However, since I was there on Friday, I have this pinched nerve feeling in my lower back and it scares me. I was unable to complete my 10-mile run this weekend, a definite set back.

In addition to going to the doctor, I have been reading about the Chi Running technique. Chi Running is supposed to be an injury free approach to running, so I figured I would give it a shot. If I feel the Chi Running technique is for me, then I will be taking a workshop on it in two weeks to hopefully remain healthy as I continue to run.

Wish me luck and I will keep you posted on my progress and health.

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